Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Law vs. Morality (8mks)

Fun discussion with Pari today!

I laughed more than I have in the last 2 months.

So the world functions on trust it seems.

What have I to lose if my answer to ‘were you able to do the 2 slides’ is ‘no lah, can no find data’. My job right, what else. Suppose I do it just before a client update, like 3 hours before an update. I’ll definitely lose my job, but what a way to get fired. Pari says its because an implicit faith in people that ‘people will do their job’. What fun if just for a day things didn’t work this way. Chaos! No law can help out here.

7 years back I attempted an 8mks answer on Law vs. Morality. Its hardly tough to answer this question now. ‘No morality’ implies ‘no order’. After all, the order that prevails due to law is great, but I’m erring on the side of taking that for granted. Order thanks to law is now a given. Now its order derived from morality which is at stake. For one thing, every bank has a set of people who would risk a bit of money for some fun in life (at least I hope, if not, am glad I’m not in a bank). And these people have the power of ….ing a bank’s happiness, if not for morality J. I could be confusing morality with fear here. But then I thought of myself. Is it that I do my work I;m trusted with due to fear, or morality. It might be the latter! Don’t know.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The sky is falling!

Singapore lah.......the sky's falling....we're the world of mekkos and bar charts and spreadsheets.....why am i sitting indoors, on the most beautiful highhhhhhhhh on life..................

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Love story

Am up early again.....its 6:30.....and I'm attemtping to finish the work I shirked away from last evening.

The 'Love story' soundtrack is as always playing in one corner of my room....while I think of what's ...............TBC...

Continuing: I've forgotten what I was thinking of earlier, but it's got to be adarned perception map of some sort. So I decided to swtich my soundtrack to the chipmunks version of the Unforgiven. This one always makes me laugh. Soon, I'll make this the background for my blog.....

Friday, November 10, 2006


I follow the old adage 'Lord if you can't make me thin, make my friends fat'.

Its Saturday morning, and had yet another sleepless night, thanks to work, late night calls and far off friends. And now I have the herculean task or preparing my contribution to tonight's pot luck. It's Yuka's farewell party tonight, and I valiantly volunteered to make pasta for everyone (I think there's going to be almost 20 people).

Although my culinary skills have never been my claim to fame, I personally don't think I'm that bad.

Life is full of choices. Today's menu: Easy-to-make vegetarian pasta with cheery (I noticed the spelling error but let it's a happy word) tomatoes and Mozzarella, Mushroom and salami pasta salad, or pasta Alfredo, in increasing order of effort.

So maybe I'll just follow the norm, and make something super fattening, and hope like hell the grease works :)

It looks like its going to rain (I love it!).....these are times when I wish i wasn't home alone....but these are also the times when I realize should rush to buy aaloo-pyaaz (I never liked the word grocery), if i want my pasta ready by the evening


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Immoral, illegal and fattening.......Immoral

My first post (actual post).

I'll start this in a typical 'writer' fashion.

It's past 9, and I'm at my desk, with little work to do. It's one of those unusual days when I feel like being nice to Pari and wait for him to wrap up so we can have dinner togeher. And I'm thinking of what to here's my first thought.

Moral vs. immoral:

I have never been the one to think of morality in its conventional sense.

So is it immoral to leave a workplace 6 months after you ensured that you and your confidence in the firm were the reasons others joined it?

This isn't how I think. Its something a friend brought up, and I decided to think more about.
My MBTI profile says I treat people individually, not equally. This might explain my reaction to the above question. Since I know the person in question, I don't think its immoral. In fact, I think its great, even though i stand to lose (a bit only though). It's kind of like the I-like-turnips-eversince-I-associated-them-with-you story.

So am I immoral?

Illegal and fattening shall follow soon

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My first

WIll type in later tonight.
